Customs Advice | Customs Agents

Custran provides a full customs advisory service for all you customs needs post Brexit


The Brexit transition period ended on December 31st 2020. From January 1st 2021 you need customs declarations for trade between Ireland and the UK

Advisory service: How It Works.

Planning for business post-Brexit means looking beyond customs declarations.  The changes around Brexit represent a permanent change to your trading environment that requires a two-tier response – first make sure that your goods will continue to move; then consider what the optimum medium-term strategy is for your business.

We work through a checklist with you, and help you to compile a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) for your company.  We work on a strategic level, and will not ask for any confidential or commercially sensitive data, unless it is required as part of work you ask us to do.

Checklist Topics

  1. Objective 1–continue, grow, retrench to core activity
  2. Objective 2 – Integrated standalone business or Core with outsourcing
  3. Your industry and type of business
  4. Nature of trade – type of goods, frequency, value, complexity
  5. Business integration – role of 3rd party service providers
  6. Trading partners/network – formal contracts, invoices, Incoterms
  7. Preparedness – registrations, authorisations, licences, commodity codes
  8. Strength of accounting, logistics and stock control systems
  9. Experience, knowledge of international trade and customs.

The information from the checklist discussion will be analysed and we will report back to you with our best advice on the way forward, under the following headings:

  1. Capacity of the business – scale, maturity, stability, governance
  2. Agility – potential for change – financial, skill, physical constraints
  3. Strength of market position – scope for negotiation
  4. Challenges and opportunities of Brexit – direct and indirect
  5. Options

Based on analysis and work together, Customs declarations templates for use on Custran’s software will also be set up for your use if you decide to manage your own customs declarations and compliance.

Customs Advisor: Tony Buckley

Our customs advisor Tony Buckley will evaluate your company’s exposure to Brexit and provide information on best practices regarding customs procedures.

Up until 2018 Tony was Revenue’s lead on Brexit. During his time at Revenue, Tony had a variety of national and international senior management roles in tax, governance and training. He now works as a consultant (Anthony Buckley Consulting Ltd) using his comprehensive knowledge of tax & customs, and  delivers training for CAI, IEA and CILT Skillnet.

A standard business customs analysis and report costs €395 + vat

You can also engage our advisor for half day or full day consultations, or get a full written report. Rates on request.

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