How It Works.
Custran UK pricing is based on a monthly licence fee and cost per declaration. The monthly licence fee covers the direct connections to HMRC. It also covers use of our platform with features including templates, bulk uploads, document creation, archiving and more.
UK CSP Badge Roles
To use Custran UK a CSP badge role will be required. If you have a CSP badge you can use this on Custran. If you do not have a badge role speak with Custran and we will help you in getting one.
Currently Custran support badge roles from CNS and MCP(Destin8) only.
Customs Declarations are priced on a 'per declaration’ basis. Save Money: purchase a package with a higher number of declarations. Packages NEVER expire. Custran is a Do It Yourself software platform which can be used by importers, exporters, traders and agents who have little of no customs declaration knowledge or experience as Custran can train you and your staff.
Take control of your customs declarations needs – contact Custran today.